Draw a Line in Your Career

When coaching executives, regardless of their age, I find that most have no plans for their career or future beyond retirement. This same scenario is no doubt true for most of us. We let life just happen as it comes. While that may be part of the adventure of life and while much of life may be beyond our control, planning can enhance the adventure that is life and give us much more control than we might think. Try this exercise for your career.

Take out a sheet of paper and turn it horizontally.  Draw a line through the middle of the paper. Under the line, at the left hand side of the line, write your current age. Then in five to 10 year increments, write your age at that time. Here’s an example of a recent client’s timeline.


33                                43                                53                                63                                73                              83

If 10-year increments are too scary, try doing it in five-year increments. Next, think about how the career ladder works in your particular company. For example, the corporate chart may flow from president to vice-president to director, to senior manager, to manager, to supervisor to front line employee. Let’s say you are currently at the managerial level. Think what the next position would be for you and your company’s corporate ladder. Now you’re ready for the next step in the exercise.

Take stock of your current skills, attributes and experience. Now write down your tasks or responsibilities. Where do you excel and where do you fall short? Here is where you really will need to break activities down into 5 year and smaller for specific activities. Next, determine these same elements for your next career step. Again, ask where would you excel and where would you fall short upon a promotion to that position. Begin now to enhance and build the tools you will need. Think about who you will most likely be working with in the next step and begin to build rapport with those individuals now. In addition, think about whom you might promote or hire for your team to bolster the tools you lack. As soon as you are in the new position, begin working on the next step and repeat the process. Don’t forget your personal life.

This same exercise is a good tool for your personal life as well. Then put the two together and see what might need to change. Some things may need to accelerate and others may need to slow down. Perhaps some things are not compatible. Such activities will require serious thought.

Don’t let your career and life just happen. Take control with these exercises. Yes, things will change. However, you will be in far better shape to pick up the pieces, make minor tweaks or decide on a new direction and begin again. Taking control and planning will put you far ahead regardless of what life and business throws your way.

Graphic Credit: Big Stock.com




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