The Many Health Advantages of Eating Your Supergreens


Have you eaten your five a day today? Most of us really struggle to get to that amount. We know that we need to eat fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy varieties or supergreens, but how do we incorporate them into our daily diet? It is these vegetables that give our body the vitamins and minerals it needs to stop us from getting sick and old.

What Are Supergreens?

Supergreens are green vegetables that are full of folate, antioxidants, fibre, potassium, flavonoids, lutein and more. They are full of enzymes that help living organisms – our body’s cells – to have quicker chemical reactions. They are absolutely vital to a healthy life. The most important substance in these types of vegetables is chlorophyll. It is this chemical that turns these types of vegetables green and that gives them their flavour. Chlorophyll is also responsible for tissue regeneration and it helps to flush out toxins. It allows us to smell better, fight carcinogens, neutralise free radicals and protects us from infections.

A Few of the Best Green Superfoods

There are numerous really good green superfoods. Alfalfa, for instance, contains loads of vitamins and minerals like magnesium, niacin and vitamin A and C. Green tea is a strong antioxidant, helping to fight cancer. Kelp is fully of iodine, ensuring our thyroid works better. Spirulina is full of protein, improving our immune system and giving us protein. Chlorella rids our body from toxic chemicals, just like barley and wheatgrass.

What If I Don’t Want to Eat Green Foods all Day Long?

We should really admit that most of simply aren’t able to eat our supergreens all day every day. Having a kelp and wheatgrass shake for breakfast may be novel, but we quickly start hoping for good old porridge and other nice foods again. Luckily, however, you can also take a green supplement, thereby still getting all the benefits without having to eat green foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Supergreen supplements are designed to incorporate all the beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we would get from consuming these vegetables. It is very important to understand that supplements are not a nutrition replacement, however. The clue is in the name: supplement. This means it adds something to your regular diet. Hence, you do have to make the effort to eat a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet yourself each and every day, but you can supplement this with the things you do not eat by taking supplements.

A good supergreens supplement has to be certified organic. This means that you truly are only getting the goodness in your body. Certified organic products have not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals in their natural form. They also haven’t caused any problems to the planet as a whole, as growers fight against deforestation and slave or forced labour. When you take these supplements, in other words, you know you are not just helping your body, you are actually helping the world as a whole.

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