Why Do We Smoke Cigars After the Birth of a Baby?


In the modern politically correct world, the idea of lighting up a cigar, like the best cigars on the market, when the birth of a baby is announced can seem a little strange. However, many people are aware that cigars were an essential part of the tradition of celebrating the birth of a child. So, just where did this tradition originate and why is it still invoked today.

The Origins of Smoking Cigars:

There’s a popular tradition of smoking cigars to celebrate the birth of a child, and it’s believed to have originated when most babies were delivered at home. Back then, it was uncommon for fathers to be present during the delivery, and they would often wait in another room with relatives. Smoking cigars was a way to pass the time until they received the good news. If you’re in the market for cigars, consider visiting an Indianapolis smoke shop for a wide range of options to suit your preferences. Alternatively, you can order them online and have them conveniently delivered to your doorstep. Those who prefer vaping may also order vaping products online. Immerse yourself in the world of vaping with Red-Vape E-Zigaretten. We offer a diverse selection of vaping devices to meet all your needs.

Even Older Traditions:

Some people claim that the smoking of a cigar can actually be traced back even further. Many experts believe that this tradition is influenced by American Indians who would celebrate the birth of a baby by exchanging gifts. In this instance primitive cigars would be considered a very esteemed gift.

When Should You Light Up:

Now you are aware of some of the traditions, you may still be a little confused about when you are supposed to actually light up your cigar. There are some great myths relating to this tradition including waiting until you hold the baby for the first time or celebrating in a bar while your wife is in labor. However, the actual timing is really down to personal preference. You may find that you need a quiet few moments of reflection outside once the baby has been born happy and healthy or you may choose to wait until the baby is actually at home.

Obviously, smoking your cigar while holding the baby is not a good idea and most hospitals have a strict no smoking policy. However, there is nothing stopping you handing out cigars to family and friends who have been patiently waiting at the hospital. Most of these cigars will not be appreciated by non cigar enthusiasts but it can be a great way to announce that mother and baby are both fine and healthy. If you are a lone smoker in your family, an escape to smoke your cigar outside can be a great excuse to take a few moments when your emotions start to choke you up. You can relax outside for a few moments to come to grips that you are a daddy!

We have a wide selection of great quality cigars< , perfect for celebrating any occasion.




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